Linda Lee — My personal bridge blog

Handicapping the CNTC

I am not crazy enough to venture any guesses about the outcome of the CWTC round robin but I thought I might take a wild guess at how teams would finish in the Canadian Open Teams.  The teams that by chance are number team 1 and team 2 seem to be two of the top contenders.  They include

1. John Carruthers, Joseph Silver, David Turner, Roy Hughes, Nader Hanna, Jim Green
2. Nicolas L’Ecuyer, Kamel Fergani, Darren Wolpert, Jurek Czyzowicz, David Grainger, Daniel Korbel

Most of the players on both teams have won before at least once.  Moving down the list team 3,  6 and 13 also looks to me to be a qualifier.

3. Paul Thurston, Jeff Smith, Keith Balcombe, Ross Taylor, John Duquette, Hérve Chatagnier

6. Vince Nowlan, Vince Lambert, Doug Deschner, Gerry McCully, Judy Gartaganis, Nick Gartaganis

13. Zygmunt Marcinski, Bryan Maksymetz, Dan Jacob, Larry Hicks, Waldemar Frukacz, David Willis

Again composed of past winners.

As I go further down the randonly order team list here are two more.

15. Michael Gamble, Ranald Davidson, Vince Oddy, John Gowdy, Anton Blagov, Ivan Popinov

22. Ray Jotcham, Steve Mackay, Lewis Richardson, Eiji Kujirai, Alan Lee

Those are my picks to make the top 8.  But one thing I know for certain, even if I knew all the teams really well (and I admit I don’t) so that I was a better handicapper there will still be lots of surprises.  These teams are closely matched and many of the teams I didn’t pick could easily qualify.  If I didn’t pick your team don’t get upset – I know I won’t be more than about 60% right.  Go ahead show me your stuff.

The Open Teams are starting on Saturday.  I am sure many of them are already in Penticton.  Good luck to you all.  Have a blast too.  And I will be seeing you soon.

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