The Quarterfinals for USA 2 Seniors
With Morse having a big lead in USA 1 Seniors Final after two segments. I am watching the Quarterfinals for the USA 2 spot. At the moment Kasle is leading Larsen by a mere 9 imps. The result for Larsen in the Closed Room looks soft (4S down 3 minus 300( but it might well be repeated in the Open Room. The auction seems to lead there. Here is the reason:
Schermer (west) for Kasle has
S QJ1052 |
H 10 |
D 764 |
C A842 |
Everyone is vulnerable and Stansby starts things off with a pass. You pass and Bramley bids 2H. Stansby now jumps to 4H. What do you do? You bid 4S right? But we have a script change in this room. It now went pass, pass to Stansby and he bid 5H which Chambers doubled. Let’s see how that works out. Down one too bad
Stansby held
S A873 |
H K7532 |
D 3 |
C Q107 |
Do you like his bid? Some days it might make. But still he does have some defense here. This choice cost 11 imps. Bramley held
S 9 |
H AQJ964 |
D QJ105 |
C J9 |
Larsen is back with a 20 imp lead. It wasn’t really that bad a choice but it was costly. A few imps change back and forth but the stanza ends with the same imp differences. Kasle 97 Larsen 77. A quick check on Lynch Vernay shows that Lynch has added to their lead against Vernay winning the stanza 43-16 and leading the match 114-59.