Baby Pictures
Here are some pictures of Roy and his family. The baby in the first picture is a day old and in the second 1 week old.
Roy tells me….
He is Evan Michio Hughes, born Oct 18 weighing 6 lb 9 oz.
and Clyde E. Love … so what is your favorite squeeze. We have decided to add some but we are still debating exactly which ones. I vetoed the Jettison squeeze today. This is why… it is a subclass of blocked squeezes and it will never ever come up. It occurs when you have a suit blocked and have to throw away a high card to unblock it. This creates a loser which goes away in the squeeze. You jettison the blocking card on the squeeze card. If you ever have actually had one and email me I will send you a copy of the new Clyde E. Love Bridge Squeezes Complete. I will blog about you and do what I can to immortalize your hand.
I do admit that Julian sent Ray a decent example of one and Ray did write it up. I is currently sitting on the cutting room floor.
So we talk about winkles and clash squeezes and entry shifting squeezes and so on. The winkle reminds me of when I used to play with David Bryce when I was in my twenties. David would say that if you completed a winkle you got to stand up and yell “WINKLE”. I have done that a time or two.
I’ve never stood up and yelled “WINKLE,” but I’ve stood up and yelled “REVOKE!”