Linda Lee — My personal bridge blog

You Can Teach A Shall We Say “Not Young” Dog New Tricks

A few days ago I wrote a blog about a double that Isabelle made against 3NT.  The result was that the opponents pulled out of 3NT to a minor partscore.  3NT was going to make.  Follow along with me on this deal.

I held

s J9765
h K
d AQ4
c 7653

Nobody was vulnerable and I passed in first chair.  East opened 1NT and Sylvia overcalled 2D showing a major (pretty obviously hearts).  West passed and I bid 2H.  This was passed to West who bid 2H.  East bid 3NT.  I thought that West probably didn’t have a completely clearcut bid and likely nobody was too happy with their heart stopper so I hit it.  East passed but West did pull to 4D.

As it turns out 3NT makes because I can’t return a second heart.  4D on the other hand went 2 down.  Here is the whole hand

s 8
h AQ10853
d 972
s K10543 s AQ2
h 96 h J742
d K10853 Linda d J6
c Q4 s J9765 c AKJ8
h K
d AQ4
c 7653

So I still am learning.  Sylvia played a hand perfectly on a show-in squeeze with a slight mispull.  It was fun to watch her play every card.  So generally our pair had some fun today.  We are going to be playing against Isabelle and Sondra on Sunday evening.  If we are as hot then as we were today the action should be pretty ferocious.  I expect a lot of action.

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