Linda Lee — My personal bridge blog

And People Say 1NT Contracts Are Boring

I saw some interesting bridge in the last few days but no defense was better than this one against a quiet partscore of 1NT. 

The defender we are going to watch is Subhash Gupta, one of India’s very best players.  The event is 7TH Maharaja Yeshwant Rao Holkar Bridge Championshipheld in Indora India.  Doesn’t the name itself just conjure up imagines of something exotic and wonderful.  The part of the tournament I was watching was the team of four event for selecting the team to represent the West Zone in the summer nationals.  I believe it was called the Kalani Trophy.




This was the first of four rounds of the final.  The teams had rather interesting names by the way.  I am not sure I fully understand the significance of the first, but I am assure it is humorous:  Maya Meera Sneha.  Gupta was playing for 3 Idiots + i. 

Here was the deal from Gupta’s perspective:

h_thumb 104
d_thumb 87
c_thumb Q8632
h_thumb 763
d_thumb Q1094
c_thumb J9

Partner opens 1d_thumb.  RHO overcalls 1NT and this is passed out.  You lead the 4d_thumb and see this dummy.  Partner plays the d_thumbK and declarer wins the d_thumbA. Declarer leads the s_thumb5.  And you?  Gupta put up the s_thumbQ which was covered by the s_thumbK and s_thumbA.  Partner returns the d_thumb2 suggesting an initial holding of 4 and you win the d_thumb9.  You play the d_thumbQ, declarer discards a club from dummy.  Now?

I am not going to try to duplicate Gupta’s reasoning but I suppose one can deduce that declarer’s clubs are not solid.  Declarer is missing at least one of the top honors.  Partner can;t have too many more high cards.  If partner has the c_thumbK say, the best he can have is the h_thumbK to give declarer 15.  Your side has two spades, three diamonds and must find two more tricks.  It doesn’t seem likely that you can get them in hearts.  Did you find the shift to the c_thumb J?  Gupta did.  Partner played the c_thumb5 and declarer won the c_thumbK. Now he hopped up on the spade continuation and continued clubs.  Partner was able to win the club ace and ten.  I just said wow.  Here is the whole hand (I have rotated it).

h_thumb 104
d_thumb 87
c_thumb Q8632
h_thumb 763
d_thumb Q1094
c_thumb J9
h_thumb 9852
d_thumb KJ32
c_thumb A105
h_thumb AKQJ
d_thumb A65
c_thumb K74

Do you think it would have been a little bit harder if declarer had discarded a heart or spade from dummy?

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