Linda Lee — My personal bridge blog

Playing with Sylvia

I always have fun playing with Sylvia on BBO.  We played a couple of team games yesterday afternoon when I should have been driving in the convertible with the top down.  I did enjoy the bridge though.

I did something I don’t normally do.  You can decide if I was a bit “out to lunch” on this deal in one of those team games. 

s J95432
h 9
Copy of d
c K9653

The problem on this hand was the vulnerability (we were, they weren’t).  Don’t you hate being 6-5 and passing throughout?  Well I did and I didn’t (pass that is).  East started things off with a diamond.  I patiently passed and West bid 1h.  When East splintered in spades I was pretty sure our side had a fit in at least one of the black suits and maybe both.  West cuebid clubs and Sylvia doubled.  East bid Blackwood.  Here was the auction so far:

West Sylvia East Linda
    1Copy of d pass (patiently)
1h pass 3s (shortness) pass
4c pass 4NT ?

I figured that Sylvia was going to be on lead and I wanted a club lead and even though this was a partnership, pairs don’t always have a clear agreement about what happens over interference (and hey I was 6-5) so I bid 5c.  West passed (this wasn’t alerted but he had 1 keycard (and the heart queen).   and East proceeded to 6h which I take it meant they had their act together.  Sylvia led the cA and this was the whole hand

h 63
Copy of d 9764 
c AJ874
s AK86
h Q10875
Copy of d 1032 
c Q
  s 7
h AKJ42
Copy of d AQJ85 
c 102
h 9
Copy of d
c K9653

I encouraged and declarer ruffed the second club.  My only real worry was whether there was any way my bid had given away the position of the diamond king.  But no, declarer finessed for 1 down. 

I was glad I was playing this hand online so I didn’t have to do the poker face thing if declarer decided to stare me down before taking the diamond finesse.

At the other table they played in game so we won some imps.  5c doubled isn’t terrible.  I will have to play carefully but I should go only two down.

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