Playing against “the” Italians
Francine and I had an opportunity this morning to play an online 16 board match against Benito Garozzo and his pals. Benito has always been a hero of mine since I first started to play so it was exciting to have this chance. Ray did remind me of a time we played against his team in a Florida regional. Francine and I did quite well.
Sometimes simple things make a difference. The auction has gone simply 2♠ by South and 4♠ by North
Vul: |
♠ A4 ♥ A854 ♦ AK854 ♣ 109 |
♠ 72 ♥ KJ109732 ♦ Q72 ♣ 8 |
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You lead the ♣ 8 and partner plays the ♣ Q. Declarer wins the ♣ A. At trick 2 declarer leads a small club from hand. What is your plan? If you decide to ruff what do you return? Benito found the only plays to give declarer a problem he ruffed and returned a trump. As the cards lie the hand can’t be defeated but it was the best defense. At the other table West ducked and East won the ♣ Q and North had no further problems. I have looked at this hand a great deal what do you think the best line is for ten tricks.
♠ A4 ♥ A854 ♦ AK854 ♣ 109 |
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♠ QJ10983 ♥ Q ♦ 103 ♣ AJ53 |
You could finesse a spade at trick two. You could play ace and another spade. You could cross to dummy and lead a club or you can lead a club from hand. You decide. I don’t have the answer.
Francine is a strong advocate of sound opening bids. Would you open this hand with both vulnerable in second chair?
♠ AQ5 ♥ J973 ♦ A2 ♣ 10983 |
I can see some arguments by proponents of the get in there first crew. Anyway Francine passed and our side wasn’t ever in the auction.
Vul: |
♠ 83 ♥ AKQ42 ♦ J7 ♣ QJ52 |
♠ AQ5 ♥ J973 ♦ A2 ♣ 10982 |
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♠ J9764 ♥ 85 ♦ Q1065 ♣ K4 |
♠ K102 ♥ 106 ♦ K9843 ♣ A76 |
At our table North opened 1H in third and South bid 2D. What do you think of that bid? With Francine 1NT is semi-forcing so we can afford to bid 1NT on this hand. At our table playing a very different system Garazzo bid 2♦ and played there. A club lead and reasonably accurate defense beats even the master. However, I am not convinced that we would have ended in 1NT if we had been North-South. If North opened 1♥ in third and South bids 1NT will North pass with a full opening bid or bid 2♣ ? I am not sure exactly what would have happened and we will never know.
In the other room the West hand opened 1♣ North bid 1♥ and East made a negative double. Over the overcall South took the more cautious route of bidding 1NT. 1NT has 7 tricks or more on any defense. This was a 6 imp pickup.