Can you do better? Senior Segment 2
Well he we are at the halfway point of the Seniors Quarterfinal. There were 4 big swings in the Milner- Woolsey match with the imps on the set totally 31 for Woolsey and 29 for Milner. But Milner leads the match 79-42. Lets see how you do on the two of the four big swing hands in the fourth set.
Board 23.
You hold
Dealer: South
Vul: Both |
♠ 952 ♥ Q ♦ KQ10986532 ♣ – |
You work out that you have nine diamonds by subtracting the four outside cards from 13. A) You partner opens 1♣ and you hear a 1♥ overcall. I know you are planning to bid diamonds the question is how many? Have you got your answer? Now suppose that your partner opens 1NT and the overcall is 3♥ (natural) do you do something. differently.
Over 1♣ I like 5♦ , the bid made at the table, and it works out just fine when partner bids 6♦ . While 6♦ is a challenge on a heart lead and a spade shift the natural spade lead makes the slam pretty much a laydown. Thats how it played out for Rosenberg-Cohen.
Dealer: South
Vul: Both |
♠ 952
♥ Q ♦ KQ10986532 ♣ – |
♠ 108
♥ AK9852 ♦ 4 ♣ K953 |
![]() |
♠ KQJ643
♥ 1063 ♦ 7 ♣ J84 |
♠ A7
♥ J74 ♦ AJ ♣ AQ10762 |
In the Closed Room where the auction started 1NT-3♥ Milner bid 4♦ . While I think this must be forcing it doesn’t convey the nature of this hand. When Granovetter bid 5♣ Milner converted to 5♦ and they play there. Had Milner bid 5♦ in the first place I don’t know if Granovetter could bid 6♦ . And if you want to argue that justice was not served and that the diamond slam is a poor one I won’t argue with you.
The next swing is a “How Do You Allocate The Blame” hand.
With everybody vulnerable you are in second chair, Milner opens the nuclear weapon: 2♦ weak. It’s your turn.
♠ A972
♥ K98
♦ Q92
♣ A43
Do you pass or double? Is there anything else? I think pass is right (just my opinion) but I can understand double as a choice. How bad a choice you decide? Now Granovetter bids 3NT to play and it is up to Woolsey.
♠ K853
♥ Q643
♦ 6
♣ 10752
You have good shape for a bid. Partner has to fit at least one of your majors. How good will partner be to make a takeout double? Are you going to let a little thing like 3NT (vulnerable) by a sane opponent bother you? Do you bid or pass? If you bid you do have 4♦ available – pick a major. Woolsey bid. So each partner chose the aggressive auction. I think Woolsey’s bid was more aggressive than Stewart. Anyway when Steward bid 4S Granovetter doubled and the result was sticks and wheels. Worst if you keep quiet you are quite likely to defeat 3NT. (They played 3♦ making in the other room.) So it’s up to you to assign responsibility. I still want some players to be talking to me when this is all over.
Vul: |
♠ J ♥ 1072 ♦ KJ10743 ♣ K86 |
♠ K853 ♥ Q643 ♦ 6 ♣ 10752 |
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♠ A972 ♥ K98 ♦ Q92 ♣ A43 |
♠ Q1064 ♥ AJ5 ♦ A85 ♣ QJ9 |