Linda Lee — My personal bridge blog

North American Ladies Battle It Out

I didn’t get to see this entire match live but I was happy to see the final results.  Canada had a very narrow win against USA 1 (33-30)

Both teams played solid bridge.  On this deal Diana Gordon and Sharyn Reus had a fine result when they got to a club slam missed at the other table.















Gordon Reus
1 2
2 3
3 4
4 4



Diana was in first chair not vulnerable against vulnerable.  She opened 1 .  Sharyn bid 2  showing a limit raise or better.  Diana’s 2  bid was an artificial game force.  Sharyn’s 3 showed shortness.  This was followed by four cuebids.  FInally Diana bid the club slam.

The opening lead was the spade which went to the J and the K.  Diana drew two rounds of trump ending in dummy and then led a diamond to the Q which held.  She continued with diamonds ruffing the third round.  When diamonds split 3-3 she was able to make 7.  Had South, Deas risen on the DK she could have held the slam to six but with both minor suits splitting that was the best the defense could do.  In the Open Room USA 1 played in 3NT.

The USA 1 team is playing in good form and will almost certainly make the finals.  Canada can join them if they keep up the good work.


MichaelOctober 20th, 2011 at 3:32 pm

There was a misplay and misdefend on the hand.

Declarer should have played 3 rounds of trumps before playing a diamond.

If Deas had taken the king of diamond, she would have been able to give her partner a spade ruff.

Lisa McDougaldMarch 3rd, 2013 at 1:26 pm


I am looking to contact Diana Gordon. I am her 3rd cousin and we share some very interesting family history. I was hoping you might be able to forward this message to her.

Thank you,

Lisa McDougald

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