Linda Lee — My personal bridge blog

The ladies who play bridge (and cook)

Maggie Simony drew my attention to another Canadian bridge accomplishment.  It is the Best of Bridge cookbook series.  You can read their story on their website but to summarize for eight ladies the highlight of their bridge group was the food they prepared and then enjoyed together.

They have now been publishing cookbooks for more than 30 years and have sold over 3.2 million copies of their books.  I have some of them and they include  some of my favorite recipes.

There are quite a lot of recipes on their website.  Here is a link to Killer Quinoa Salad.  I include this one because I am determined to try quinoa, it seems to be the healthy “in” grain.


Does this have anything to do with Bridge with a capital B.  Of course it does.  Bridge is not just be about cut-throat competition.  Bridge is about having fun together.  Bridge is social, as social as the food you eat together when you play.

I just hope there are still lots of friends who get together and play bridge for fun.  










1 Comment

LuiseNovember 26th, 2011 at 1:00 pm

That salad looks yummy! If you try it and it works out, you’ll have to make it for us sometime!

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