Linda Lee — My personal bridge blog

The IBPA Prizes

Today the International Bridge Press Association (IBPA) announced its awards for 2009.  We were pleased that North Of The Master Solver’s Club deservedly won (in a tie) the Book Of The Year Award.  We accepted on behalf of Ron Vine, Frank’s son, a cheque and a plaque.  Tied with the Vine book was Ron Klinger’s Right Through The Pack Again.  Below is a picture of Ray presenting his award to Ron Klinger.  (Master Point Press sponsors the award each year but has nothing to do with the selection process, obviously).

book of the year

photo courtesy of Carol Folhasi and Tatiana Barreto

I have talked about both books at length in previous blogs.  But I just want to say one last time, North Of The Master Solvers Club is a terrific book, it is very funny and you will learn something from it too.  It would make a great gift.  It was my favorite book not just of this year, but of many years.

There are quite a few other awards as well for bidding, play and defense/  Rose Meltzer won the award for bridge personality of the year.  They acknowledge her record over the last ten years with winning results in international play and at the NABC along with other contributions to bridge.  We should all remember that Rose Meltzer is not a player of the caliber of other world champions.  She is a sponsor.  But perhaps being able to put together great teams and play the boards she must to win is an achievement worthy of recognition.  I think it is.  Still it is disingenuous of various organization for suggesting she is one of the top bridge players in the world.

The people recognized in the other awards are not just the players who make the bid play or defense but the journalist who wrote it up.  In the end the award is actually to the journalist.  One of the winners was Heather Dhondy of England who submitted the Precision Best Bid Hand of the Year.  The players were Stuart and Gerard Tredinnick of England playing in the 2008 Gold Cup final. 

Here is their rather nice effort.


Dealer West. East-West Vulnerable.

  ♠ K 9 8 7 5
♥ Q J 5
♦ A Q 7
♣ Q 9
♠ Q 10 3
♥ 9 6 3 2
♦ J 9 2
♣ J 7 5
Bridge deal ♠  J642
♥  84
♦  K1043
♣ 1063
  ♠ A
♥ A K 10 7
♦ 8 6 5
♣ A K 8 4 2


North: Stuart South: Gerald
1NT (14-16) 2♣
2♠ 3♣
3NT 4♥
5♣ 5NT
6♥ all pass


3♣ was natural and forcing and implies four hearts.  When he bid four hearts it was also natural and suggested four  good hearts.  5NT asked Stuart to pick a slam and he chose hearts.  This is a very good slam that did not require a club break.

What is nice about the bidding is that it isn’t so much about system but rather about good judgment.

Then Ray and I decided to watch the bridge in our room rather than in the press room or on Vugraph.  This allows us to be as comfortable as possible, talk as loud as we want ad especially to control the temperature which seems to vary in the press room from boiling to freezing.  I will try to write up some more award winners at another time.  But there is so much incredible bridge to talk about from a very exciting final set of deals in the quarterfinals that some of that will have to come first.


Dave (Memphis MOJO)September 8th, 2009 at 4:03 am

Rose Meltzer has hosted get-togethers for Junior bridge players at NABCs and given back to bridge in other/similar ways.

LindaSeptember 10th, 2009 at 1:18 am

I agree with that. She has done a lot for bridge and I respect the IBPA choice but I would have preferred it if they didn’t emphasize her skills as a player instead of all the things she has done for the game

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