A 20 imp swing in the last round of the USBF Quarterfinals
I always love watching the US team trials because there are so many talented exciting players and partnerships to watch, some young and some “experienced”.
The Bramley team was represented by Lew Stansby, and Bart Bramley sitting East-West in the Open Room Room and Bob Hamman and Roger Lee playing North-South in the Closed Room. All but Roger Lee belonging to the latter group.
All of the players on the Fireman team are talented experienced but young (by bridge standards) group. Sitting North-South in the Open Room was Joel Wooldridge and John Hurd and East-West in the Closed Room with John Kranyak and Justin Lall North-South in the Closed Room.
There was a mere 14 imp difference when the eighth segment of the match between Fireman (npc) and Bramley started.
And what match could be more classic than this one. An epic struggle against veterans and new stars. There were a couple of early swings but the one that stands out is Board 52. Stansby-Bramley in a very complex auction has system confusion and ending up in a silly 6♦ when 7♥ bid by Kranyak-Lall is a good spot and makes.
I have been there and I am sure most of you have too. It is the cost of playing all the fancy stuff so often used in the modern game. This put Fireman in the lead by 2 imps.
But if you can keep your composure 2 imps is nothing. A few boards later there was an interesting hand to play and defend.
This was the auction in the Open Room. Stansby led the ♦ K.
Bramley played the ♦ 8 (upside count) and Hurd played the ♦ 5. Stansby cashed the ace as Bramley followed with the ♦ 9 and Hurd the ♦ J. What now? You pick.
There are 19 points that you see between your hand and dummy. South has at least 15 HCP. That leaves six for Bramley. If he doesn’t have have the ♣ A can you defeat the hand? The ♠A won’t be enough since dummy’s clubs can go on the KQ of spades. A great shift by Stansby and one not found in the Closed Room. 12 imps back
There were some more swings and FIreman got close but never regained the lead after this deal.