Linda Lee — My personal bridge blog

The Downside of Getting Active In The Auction

Commenting on the Turkish Team Championship this interesting hand came up.  First take the North hand:

s_thumb2 AJ3
h_thumb2 A976 
Copyofd_thumb2 AJ42 
c_thumb2 43

Suppose you play 1NT is 15-17 but you upgrade to open 1NT.  Partner transfer to spades and then bids 2NT.  What would you do?  I assume you would bid 3s_thumb2 and you would play it there.  Partner has 


s_thumb2 Q10852
h_thumb2 KJ10 
Copyofd_thumb2 85 
c_thumb2 Q75

Or suppose as in the Closed Room you opened 1Copyofd_thumb2.  Responder would bid 1s_thumb2 and depending on your style you would rebid 1NT or 2s_thumb2.  Either way you are going to play in partscore.  Let’s look at what happened in the Open Room

The auction started off with 1NT and East vulnerable against not held


s_thumb2 94 
h_thumb2 Q85 
Copyofd_thumb2 97 
c_thumb2 KJ10982

East was going to be on lead against no trump so no lead directing bid was required.  But in any case East doubled to show a one suiter.  South redoubled and West dutifully bid 2c_thumb2.  Now East the spade hand could have smacked this.  It was going at least one down and more if as seemed possible West misguessed clubs.  But instead East bid 3h_thumb2 an invitational hand with spades.  Now with nothing wasted in clubs despite the minimum North went to the spade game.  Let’s look at what happened then.

h_thumb2 A976 
Copyofd_thumb2 AJ42 
c_thumb2 43
h_thumb2 432 
Copyofd_thumb2 KQ1063 
c_thumb2 A6
Copyofd_thumb2 97 
c_thumb2 KJ10982
h_thumb2 KJ10 
Copyofd_thumb2 85 
c_thumb2 Q75

Not unreasonably the opening lead was the c_thumb2A.  West switched to a high diamond won by the ace.  With the s_thumb2K onside declarer only had to locate the h_thumb2Q.  East had to have it on the bidding since he had no other high cards.  So the game was made for a 7 imp swing.  There are more downsides to getting too active than just going for a number.

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