Linda Lee — My personal bridge blog

Giving Back

We are getting close to Thanksgiving.  The day of the big American feast, of family and of one hopes being thankful for all that we have.

I have been very blessed in my life.  I have two wonderful children each with terrific spouse and five grandchildren who bring Ray and me happiness.  We have enough of everything and an interesting job working with the game welove, bridge.  In the last few years we at Master Point Press have worked hard to give something back.  I hope at this holiday season some of you, readers, will also consider making a contribution to our game.

Over the next few weeks we have invited a number of guest bloggers to talk about an area where you can volunteer.  We will be cover: mentoring, volunteering at tournaments, doing commentary of Vugraph, blogging about bridge and I hope the junior program (that one isn’t quite ready yet).  If you have another area you would like us to cover then send me an email.  I have been involved in mentoring, blogging and doing commentary.  All of these activities have been very rewarding.  Obviously not all of us can do each thing but all of us can help in some way to bring people to the game, help people to learn, entertain others in some way and make the game pleasurable for all.

When I think about what Ray and I have done in bridge it really covers a lot of territory.  We have talk games, run duplicates, created and provided a bridge magazine (not for profit), played at tournaments of all levels including internationally, written books, published books, encouraged writers, Ray has been president of the CBF and really a lot more.  Bridge has given us so much.  Whenever I talk to those who put in the most I find that they too say that they have been given a lot back.  I have a lot of wonderful memories.  Even when I played and lost the memories are still good.

So we invite you to read our stories, comment a lot, the authors have promised to respond and most of all to participate.  And don’t foget to contact us if you have a blog on this topic that you would like to write.

Happy Holidays to all of you.


Judy Kay-WolffNovember 18th, 2010 at 3:59 pm


What a wonderful idea and such a lovely thought. I think if we all took a moment, sat back and reflected on how bridge has affected our life, the realization would be overwhelming.

I can only speak for myself, but my existence has been so enrched by the bridge people with whom I have met even casually and by those who have become very close, dear friends —

not overlooking a spouse or two.

Bridge is a delightful (though sometimes frustrating) pastime but let us never forget it by doing what we can to improve its present state and make sure the youth of the world support it so it will become stronger and stronger in generations to come.

An advanced Happy Thanksgiving to all and let bridge continue to enhance our lives by making some worthwhile contribution to the game — regardless of how small. It is the thought that counts.



MichaelNovember 22nd, 2010 at 9:21 pm

Thank you Linda and Ray for what you have done for Bridge. We need more people like you.

Wishing you and yours a wonderful Thanksgiving.

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